International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy), from 30th June to 5th July 2024

Teobaldo Torres (UNIZAR at present); poster presentation: “FeFe2-xVxO4 nanoparticles: New possibilities for magnetic fluid hyperthermia and catalytic activity”; authors: D.P. Valdés, S. Hettler, J.M. Núñez, B. Sanz, I. Rodrigo; I. Orue, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, E. Winkler, R.D. Zyster, E. Lima Jr., M.H. Aguirre, G.F. Goya, R. Arenal
Daniel Valdés (CONICET); poster presentation: “Using cytosol studies to correct characterize nanoparticle systems: Temperature maps and AC hysteresis loops”; authors: T.E. Torres, A.C Moreno-Maldonado, G. Urrretavizcaya, M.S. Noda, M. Vásquez-Mansilla, I. Rodrigo, I. Orue, R.D. Zysler, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, G.F. Goya, E. De Bias, E. Lima Jr.
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Enhancing high-temperature performance of core and core/shell magnetic nanocataysts by Cu incorporation”; Nahuel Núñez, Enio Lima Jr., Marcelo Vásquez-Mansilla, A. Gallo-Córdova, Carlos Díaz-Ufano, María del Puerto Morales, Elin Winkler
Elin Winkler (CNEA); oral presentation: “Tuning the magnetic coupling on iron nanoparticles with onion-like architecture”