Gerardo Goya (UNIZAR); oral presentation: “Synthetic magnetosomes for dual therapeutic approach: Chemotherapy and magnetic hyperthermia”
Authors: A.C. Moreno-Maldonado, M.R. Ibarra, M.C. Jiménez-López, I.J. Molina, G.F. Goya
4th International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences, NALS 2024, Granada (Spain), 14th to 16th Feb. 2024
Puerto Morales (CSIC-ICMM), member of the Organising Committee
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova (CSIC-ICMM); oral presentation: “Exploring the microwave-assisted synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticle”; authors: Álvaro Gallo-Córdova, Carlos Díaz-Ufano, Rafael Herrera-Aquino, Sabino Veintemillas-Verdaguer and María del Puerto Morales
Gerardo Goya (UNIZAR); oral presentation: “Synthetic mangetosomes for dual therapeutic approach: Chemotherapy and magnetic hyperthermia”; authors: A.C. Moreno-Maldonado, M.R. Ibarra, M.C. Jiménez-López, I.J. Molina, G.F. Goya
Puerto Morales (CSIC-ICMM); poster presentation: “Formation mechanism of multicore iron oxide nanoparticles in polyol solvent”