Erasmus+ y Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie – Webinario para organizaciones, estudiantes e investigadores de Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Online, only in Spanish, 27th to 29th Nov. 2023
"Nanomaterials for Enzymatic Control of Oxidative Stress Toxicity and Free Radical Generation"; 101007629
Erasmus+ y Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie – Webinario para organizaciones, estudiantes e investigadores de Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Online, only in Spanish, 27th to 29th Nov. 2023
Ciclo de Seminarios 2023, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Farmacia y Bioquímica), 9th Nov. 2023
XII Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials & their Aplications (LAW3M), Puerto Varas (Chile), 16th to 20th Oct. 2023
Luis Avilés (CNEA); oral presentation: “Self-induced inverse spin Hall effect in disordered FePt thin films”; authors: J.L Ampuero, J.E. Gómez, A. Butera, L. Avilés-Félix |
Alejandro Butera (CONICET); oral presentation: “Spin currents in Co/NM (Cu, Cr or Al)/Ni80Fe20 trilayers”; authors: Adriel Belmonte, A.A. Pérez-Martínez, D. Velázquez-Rodríguez, J.L. Ampuero-Torres, L. Avilés-Félix, J.E. Gómez, A. Butera |
Enio Lima Jr. (CONICET); oral presentation: “On the mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis by magnetic ferritenanoparticles for H2O2 decomposition in reactive oxygen species”; authors: Enio Lima Jr., Marco Antonio Morales Ovalle, Nahuel Nuñes, Teobaldo E. Torres, Marcelo Vásquez Mansilla, Dina Tobia, Martín E. Saleta, Gerardo F. Goya, Roberto D. Zysler, Elin L. Winkler |
Daniela Valdés (CONICET); oral presentation: “Thermographical method to assess the performance of magnetic nanoparticles in hyperthermia experiments through spatiotemporal emperature profiles”; authors: D.P. Valdés, T.E. Torres, A.C. Moreno Maldonad, G. Urretavizcaya, M.S.Nadal, M. Vásquez Mansilla, R. D. Zysler, G. F. Goya, E. De Biasi, E.Lima Jr |
Elin Winkler (CNEA); oral presentation: “Tuning the magnetic properties from the design of nanoparticles with onion-like architecture”; authors: J.M. Núñez, F. Fabris, E.Lima Jr., R.D. Zysler, M.H. Aguirre, E.L. Winkler |
J. Rodríguez (CNEA); poster presentation: “Domain structure and magnetic characterization of Tb/Co syntheticFerrimagnets”; authors: J. Rodríguez, M. Guyon, L. Avilés-Félix, S. Auffret, R. Sousa, I. L.Prejbeanu, A. Bruchhausen, E. de Biasi, J. Curiale |
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Effect of copper content in magnetic and catalytic properties of ironoxide nanoparticles”; N. Núñez, E. Lima Jr., M. Vásquez Mansilla, F. Goya, A. Gallo-Córdova, M.P. Morales, E.L. Winkler |
Daniela Valdés (CONICET); poster presentation: “Exploring the effects of size, anisotropy, frequency, and interactions on magnetic nanoparticle performance in hyperthermia applications”; authors: D. P. Valdés, E. Lima Jr., R.D. Zysler, G.F. Goya, E. De Biasi. |
Carlos Díaz Ufano (CSIC-ICMM); oral presentation: “Manufacturing high magnetic response materials through environmentally friendly synthesis methods” |
IV° Congreso de Enseñanza de la Física del Noroeste del Chubut: El rol de la enseñanza de la Física en la construcción de ciudadanía, Lago Puelo (Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina), 28th to 29th Sep. 2023
Vittoria Raffa (UNIPI); poster presentation: “A novel neuroprotective strategy in Alzheimer’s disease based on mechanical stimulation”; authors: Galeotti A., Santucci L., Falconieri A., Raffa V.
20th Congress of Italian Neuroscience Society (SINS, Società Italiana Neuroscienze), 14th to 17th Sep. 2023
20th National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS), Torino (Italy), 14th to 17th Sep. 2023
Authors: M.A. Morales, E. Lima Jr., E. Winkler, M.V. Vansilla, R.D. Zyler
Our @Msca_NESTOR secondee Anthony Morales has presented nice results on the electron transfer mechanism in Fenton-like reactions at @ESM_School
in La Cristalera, Madrid (Spain); 13th Sep 2023
Poster presentation: “In vitro (geno)toxicity of vanadium-doped iron-oxide nanozymes”
Authors: A. Stern, I. Rozman, S. Zabkar, K. Kolosa, A. Sáenz-Hernández, A.C. Moreno-Maldonado, Jesús A. Fuentes, G.F. Goya, B. Zegura
57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, EUROTOX 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 10th to 13th Sep. 2023
SemIFIS, Instituto de Física del Litoral, Santa Fe (Argentina), 31st July 2023
“Theoretical study of Fe3O4 (111) and (000) surfaces and their reactivity towards H2O2”
IUVSTA-ZCAM Metal-Oxide Ultrathin Films and Nanostructures: Experiment Meets Theory, Zaragoza (Spain), 3rd to 7th July 2023
Verónica Ganduglia-Pirovano (ICP-CSIC), member of the Organising Committee