Participation in the International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy)

International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy), from 30th June to 5th July 2024

Teobaldo Torres (UNIZAR at present); poster presentation: “FeFe2-xVxO4 nanoparticles: New possibilities for magnetic fluid hyperthermia and catalytic activity”; authors: D.P. Valdés, S. Hettler, J.M. Núñez, B. Sanz, I. Rodrigo; I. Orue, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, E. Winkler, R.D. Zyster, E. Lima Jr., M.H. Aguirre, G.F. Goya, R. Arenal
Daniel Valdés (CONICET, Bariloche); poster presentation: “Using cytosol studies to correct characterize nanoparticle systems: Temperature maps and AC hysteresis loops”; authors: T.E. Torres, A.C Moreno-Maldonado, G. Urrretavizcaya, M.S. Noda, M. Vásquez-Mansilla, I. Rodrigo, I. Orue, R.D. Zysler, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, G.F. Goya, E. De Bias, E. Lima Jr.
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET, INN, Bariloche); poster presentation: “Enhancing high-temperature performance of core and core/shell magnetic nanocataysts by Cu incorporation”; Nahuel Núñez, Enio Lima Jr., Marcelo Vásquez-Mansilla, A. Gallo-Córdova, Carlos Díaz-Ufano, María del Puerto Morales, Elin Winkler
Elin Winkler (CNEA, INN, Bariloche); oral presentation