“Nanozimas: Una posible herramienta para el control de estrés oxidativo y generación de radicales libres”
"Nanomaterials for Enzymatic Control of Oxidative Stress Toxicity and Free Radical Generation"; 101007629
Simposio “Nuevos desarrollos para una economía circular”, XX Jornada de Materiales Universidad Carlos III, Leganés (Madrid, Spain), 24th Feb. 2022
Glad to have Teo Torres & Daniela Valdés visiting @INMAdivulga as a secondment step of @MscaNestor project for new nanozymes, under supervision of Gerardo Goya.
Encuentro de Nanomedicina e Imagen Molecular 2021, Madrid, 19th Nov. 2021
G.F. Goya, A. Mayoral, E. Winkler, R.D. Zysler, C. Bagnato, M. Raineri, J. A. Fuentes-García, E. Lima Jr.
Journal of Applied Physics 130, 190903 (2021).
Published 15th Nov. 2021
DOI: 10.1063/5.0061499
Gold Open Access
5th Young Researchers in Magnetism, Gerona (Spain), 10th to 11th Nov. 2021
10th Nov. 2021. See the agenda and the details (Meet link, talks, etc.) in the Intranet.
4th International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM21), Kaliningrad (Russia), 31st Aug. 2021, online
2021 Around-the-Clock Around-the Globe (AtC-AtG) Magnetics Conference, online, 24th Aug. 2021