Teo Torres & Daniela Valdés, on secondment stay at the University of Zaragoza
Glad to have Teo Torres & Daniela Valdés visiting @INMAdivulga as a secondment step of @MscaNestor project for new nanozymes, under supervision of Gerardo Goya.
Puerto Morales (CSIC-ICMM); seminar: “Magnetic nanoparticles for biomedial applications: Perspectives”
Encuentro de Nanomedicina e Imagen Molecular 2021, Madrid, 19th Nov. 2021
Scientific publication: “Next generation of nanozymes: A perspective of the challenges to match biological performance”.
G.F. Goya, A. Mayoral, E. Winkler, R.D. Zysler, C. Bagnato, M. Raineri, J. A. Fuentes-García, E. Lima Jr.
Journal of Applied Physics 130, 190903 (2021).
Published 15th Nov. 2021
DOI: 10.1063/5.0061499
Gold Open Access
Puerto Morales (ICMM); poster presentation: “Formation mechanism of single-core and multicore iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized in polyol solvents”
5th Young Researchers in Magnetism, Gerona (Spain), 10th to 11th Nov. 2021
NESTOR kick-off meeting (online).
10th Nov. 2021. See the agenda and the details (Meet link, talks, etc.) in the Intranet.
Puerto Morales (CSIC-ICMM); oral presentation: “Engineering iron oxide nanocatalyists for water remediation”Puerto Morales (ICMM)
4th International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM21), Kaliningrad (Russia), 31st Aug. 2021, online
Elin Winkler (CNEA-CAB); invited lecture: “Design of core/shell nanoparticles for optimizing the magnetic hyperthermia and the catalytic activity”
2021 Around-the-Clock Around-the Globe (AtC-AtG) Magnetics Conference, online, 24th Aug. 2021
Puerto Morales (CSIC-ICMM); invited lecture: “Controlling local temperature at the MNPs surface for improving bio and catalyitic efficiency”
CINBIO, 4th Annual Meeting, Vigo (Spain), 2nd July 2021 (on line)
Elin Winkler (CNEA-CAB); invited talk: “El gran mundo de las nanopartículas”
Ciclo “Tan viernes, tan ciencia” organizado por el Centro Cultural de la Ciencia, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, 4th June 2021; virtual mode for all audiences