Organisation and participation in the 14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers (Barcelona)

14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Barcelona (Spain), 17th to 21st June 2024


  • Alejandro G. Roca, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Barcelona, Spain
  • Lucía Gutierrez, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA/CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain
  • Puerto Morales, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM/CSIC), Spain
  • Urs Hafeli, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada
Marco A. Morales (CNEA); poster presentation: “Impact of complex iron oxide nanoparticles phases on cellular responses and toxicity”; authors: Marco A. Morales, Iza Roman, Alja Stern, Bojana Zegura, Enio Lima Jr., Elin L. Winkler, Marcelo Vásquez, Gerardo Goya
Carlos Díaz Ufano (CSIC-ICMM); oral presentation: “The impact of coating zero-valent iron nanoparticles on advanced oxidative processes”; authors: Carlos Díaz-Ufano, Nahuel Núñez, Elin Winkler, María del Puerto Morales, Sabino Veintemillas-Verdaguer
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET); poster presentation: “Bifunctional magnetic nanozymes: Synergy between catalytic activity and magnetic hyperthermia”; authors: Nahuel Núñez, Enio Lima Jr., Marcelo Vasquez-Mansilla, Alvaro Gallo-Córdova, Carlos Díaz-Ufano, María del Puerto Morales, Elin L. Winkler

Participation in the International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy)

International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM2024), Bologna (Italy), from 30th June to 5th July 2024

Teobaldo Torres (UNIZAR at present); poster presentation: “FeFe2-xVxO4 nanoparticles: New possibilities for magnetic fluid hyperthermia and catalytic activity”; authors: D.P. Valdés, S. Hettler, J.M. Núñez, B. Sanz, I. Rodrigo; I. Orue, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, E. Winkler, R.D. Zyster, E. Lima Jr., M.H. Aguirre, G.F. Goya, R. Arenal
Daniel Valdés (CONICET, Bariloche); poster presentation: “Using cytosol studies to correct characterize nanoparticle systems: Temperature maps and AC hysteresis loops”; authors: T.E. Torres, A.C Moreno-Maldonado, G. Urrretavizcaya, M.S. Noda, M. Vásquez-Mansilla, I. Rodrigo, I. Orue, R.D. Zysler, J.A. García, F. Plazaola, G.F. Goya, E. De Bias, E. Lima Jr.
Nahuel Núñez (CONICET, INN, Bariloche); poster presentation: “Enhancing high-temperature performance of core and core/shell magnetic nanocataysts by Cu incorporation”; Nahuel Núñez, Enio Lima Jr., Marcelo Vásquez-Mansilla, A. Gallo-Córdova, Carlos Díaz-Ufano, María del Puerto Morales, Elin Winkler
Elin Winkler (CNEA, INN, Bariloche); oral presentation

Scientific publication: “Effect of precursor concentration, surfactant and temperature on the size, morphology and nanostructure of zero-valent iron nanocrystals synthesised by a polyol route”

DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.134604

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 698, 5 October 2024, 134604

Available online: 25th June 2024

Carlos Díaz-Ufano, María del Puerto Morales, Sabino Veintemillas-Verdaguer

All Open Access, Hybrid Gold